On Saturday, November 7th, over 30 people descended on this home from various churches and organizations. It belongs to a single Mom and her two great kids. We will call her Suzy. Suzy contacted NeighborLink Porter County because her roof was leaking rain water into her bedroom and onto her bed. These calls break my heart. I usually explain to callers that while I will be happy to post their project for them, this is a rather large project for NeighborLink to handle, and that I will be praying for their situation. Some of the calls sound so desperate and folks have no one else to turn too. It truly is heartbreaking and one of the tougher parts of my job.
Well, not this time! I made a few calls as I normally do and this time, this situation tugged on a few heart strings. We had some people who really wanted to take this project on, but we just weren't sure how we were going to pay for it. Larry and I had a speaking engagement at a church in Chesterton a week or so later and we shared all that God has been doing with NeighborLink. We talked about having some folks who really wanted to work on this project, but that we weren't sure if it was something that NeighborLink should take on or not. And we certainly didn't know where the money was going to come from. (NeighborLink's application for non-profit status is currently in the hands of the IRS. We are waiting to hear from them.) Would you believe that after we spoke at two services, we had several people come up to us who wanted to make a donation?!?! This came as a complete surprise to us! We were very humbled.
Later that week, we got word that two different anonymous donors had come forward! Can you believe it? So we started putting the word out to all of our volunteers. The folks that we had helped the weekend before with the garage tear down wanted to come and pay it forward!! We are in awe of just how awesome our God is!
There were so many people praying for this project. Praying for safety and for good weather. Would you believe that on November 7th, we almost broke a record and had a 70 degree day? It was gorgeous! And we accomplished so much! The volunteers tore two layers of shingles off and re-roofed this house in 7.5 hours. The men were incredible and determined. Not only was the roof completed, but the yard was cleaned up in the front and the back and part of the outside of the house was painted.
We and the homeowners are incredibly grateful for the volunteers and donors who made all of this possible. I often say that I have the best job in the world. That's because I get to see God work in miraculous ways all of the time and I am privileged to be a part of it.
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
NeighborLink Porter County
A Saturday To Remember!
One Year Anniversary!
|Here's why:
Judy and I have begun our second year with NeighborLink Porter County. After years of involvement with ShareFest Porter County, God revealed our passion for service to the community and led us to NeighborLink. Last year was awesome, over 70 projects were completed by 150 volunteers and coaches. This year starts out with another great ShareFest work day (this past Saturday) behind us, where hundreds of volunteers completed dozens of projects all over Porter County (Indiana). I worked (with Jake, Andrew and Sarah) on a tornado clean-up project where 80+ trees were downed on the property. It was great to see forty some strangers (strangers to the homeowner) come together and answer God's call for service. Some of the other projects included winterizing and fix-up at several trailer parks, yard work and painting.
Dustin and Amy Kirby partnered with us to help with the administration of NLPC. We had no idea what it takes to start a non-profit organization or the legal requirements involved. Truth-be-told we still don't but it is a lot easier with them beside us. Dustin and Amy both share our passion for service and are an inspiration to Judy and I as we serve. The world is a better place because of them and their faith in God. Dustin and Amy walk the talk. Not only do they serve locally, but, they have completed several international mission trips. Most recently they went to China and handed out bibles and conducted training. Thanks to them for their leadership and vision. We need more strong leaders with their heart to serve.
This year brings a whole new set of challenges. How do we continue to serve our God and do it better than last year? Prayer.
We have been able to fund the projects through donations of money, materials and labor. One that stands out is a painting project where the paint was provided by Home Depot (Behr paints), several neighbors and the NeighborLink project budget. The painting (I estimate over 300 man-hours) was done by volunteer’s from the Liberty Bible Church's senior high group, 6 people on an "alternative" spring break from Grand Rapids, MI., NPLC volunteers and several neighbors. The house looks great and the code inspectors are happy. Also, a plumbing project was completed for a house of three adults with no running water for the previous six months. Money for the materials was provided through a generous donation and the work was completed by a laid off plumber with a heart of gold.
The mission of NLPC is "Neighbor to Neighbor Expressions of God's Love", these are just a few of the many examples of the Expression of God's Love happening through Christ in our community. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13)
We are considering a roofing project for a single Mom and her two children. Right now when it rains, water comes into the Mom's bedroom and onto her bed. Not something many of us experience in life. Dustin met with her personally the other day and her attitude was great. No matter what she knows that God will provide for her. To the non-Christian that means someone will put a roof on for her. To me it means that God will fill all her needs and care for her whether she gets a new roof or not. This would be the largest project we have taken on so far. It sounds easy, take roof off, put roof on. And for most of us it is that easy. This Mom does not want to sleep on a wet bed, she has to. Without financial or physical means it is impossible. I don't know if NLPC should do this project or not. We don't have the "means" either. God knows the needs of the Mom and her children and will provide accordingly. With salvation comes all the "means" necessary in life. All we need is our salvation and God provides the rest.
We are close to filing the paperwork necessary to establish non-profit status for NeighborLink. Judy has been working tirelessly to get this done and with the help of several gracious volunteers it is close.
Our prayer needs are:
ShareFest Saturday, October 10th, 2009
|This is just a reminder that ShareFest Day is coming up. If you would like to sign up for a project to help serve a neighbor in need, please visit our website and click on the ShareFest tab in the upper right hand corner. From there you can click on the Valparaiso or Chesterton projects. There are projects being added almost daily, so feel free to check back often.
You can also serve by giving blood at one of the Blood Mobile's in Chesterton, Valparaiso, Portage and Kouts. We are collecting toilet paper, diapers and laundry detergent for the local food pantry's as well.
Please contact us if you have any questions!
In Him,
Larry & Judy
NeighborLink Porter County
The House Is Complete!
|We wanted to take a few minutes and thank the MANY volunteers who came out to paint this house in Valparaiso for a gentleman who needed us. We started around the end of July and finished up at the beginning of September. It was worked on mainly on Saturdays. However, we couldn't have completed it without the help of two of the recipients neighbors. They worked throughout the weeks that we weren't able to be there. All together there were around 30 people who helped with prep by scrapping the house and the actual painting of the house.
We want to thank Home Depot in Valparaiso and Behr who made donations and gave us discounts on paint. Not only that, but one of the neighbors came by and saw what was happening and she and her husband made a donation toward paint. We also received donations of paint supplies and ladders by various people.
The home owner is incredibly grateful for the help of the many volunteers who came to help him. We feel blessed and honored to be part of such an incredible organization!
Thank you,
Larry & Judy
Social Justice and NeighborLink
|Here are some powerful words from Andrew who is the Executive Director Of NeighborLink Fort Wayne......
Micah 6:8
8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
On Sunday, I had the opportunity to represent NeighborLink and share about social justice in a local context at Level 13, which is a church on the NE side of town. I wish you could have been there with me because it was such beautiful experience. Church was outside in a tent and the format was different than a traditional Sunday morning service because they were launching Mission68. It was broken down into three sections in order to highlight three missional priorities as a church as they align with this scripture in Micah. Both Michelle and I felt like family as we connected with the smaller congregation throughout the whole morning. If you're looking for a new church and live on the NE side of Fort Wayne, I encourage you to connect with them.
I had the privilege of sharing with that congregation the concept behind NeighborLink and the situations of our recipients. I also got to tell about the stories of what our volunteers are stepping into and how it goes far beyond just completing projects. I told them about volunteers helping with routine chores for people with disabilities and I was able to tell them about volunteers pooling their resources together to do what no one else would do or expect of them. I was so honored to tell them about a group of volunteers who would show up on a regular basis to take the trash out for a recipient and help them fold their laundry.
There was so much I wanted to tell Level 13 and to tell the "Church" of Fort Wayne about all the wonderful ways people are stepping into the gaps. I wanted to tell them that it's only the surface of what needs to be done.
God is being faithful to expose me to concepts of Social Justice. To me, Social Justice is when people go beyond the project and into figuring out the very structures/issues leading to need for help. Social Justice is when we go beyond just helping by mowing the yard and we offer to be the property caretakers for those who can no longer do it themselves. Social Justice calls us to take jobs in the social services sectors and work to change the very structures that are letting people in need fall through them. Social Justice is when we pack up our families and move them to an under-resourced area of town so we can make the schools and the neighborhoods better places to live and to be influences on the fatherless children. Social Justice may very well be the internal transformation of our hearts and actions because of the experiences we gain from serving.
I feel a great responsibility to be engaged with Social Justice issues. God has called me to share the good news with people who need it most. I know through experiences that it requires movement on my part and that the journey is going to be difficult. I have to go places I don't want go, do things I'd rather not, and interact with people and situations that are uncomfortable.
The greatest thing about the concept of Social Justice is that it can mean something totally different to you as you interact with the margins of our city. NeighborLink is an entry point for you to begin interacting with the concept of Social Justice that will lead you to other things you will see and require your attention.
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
~ James 2:14-17
ShareFest Saturday, October 10th, 2009
|Our annual ShareFest Day is coming up on Saturday, October 10th, 2009. Since 2004, ShareFest has been a day of service for Christians from all over Porter County to share their faith through deeds and actions. Four cities in Porter County will be participating: Chesterton, Valparaiso, Portage and Kouts.
This year ShareFest and NeighborLink Porter County will be joining forces. The projects that will be completed on the day of ShareFest in Chesterton and Valparaiso will be pulled from the NeighborLink Porter County website at NeighborLinkpc.org
Residents of Porter County can get involved by donating liquid laundry detergent, diapers, toilet paper and food items for the local food pantries.
Volunteers can serve by signing up for a work project at the website and by signing up to give blood at one of the local blood drives.
We hope that you can be a part of ShareFest this year!
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
On My Heart
Labels: Salvation |Our family has seen it's share of death. In the last three years, our children have lost a precious Grandma (my Mom), a beloved Uncle, a dear Grandfather (Larry's Dad) and most recently they lost a teacher. They have also seen every spectrum of dying. One died in a freak accident, one had been sick with cancer, one lived to be 88 years old and one's life was taken from them. I wonder how our little one's are dealing with all of this grief. It has been hard for me as an adult, so I can't imagine what must be going through our precious children' s minds.
For me, I can manage it all because my hope is not in this world, my hope is in Jesus Christ. I know that this fallen world is not all there is. Lately, we have had to continually remind the kids of this, but you just don't know how much they can grasp at each of their ages. This is part of why we started NeighborLink. We want to share with others who don't know Jesus personally. We choose to do that by being the hands and feet of Christ in the community. We want to be missionaries in our own back yards. We want YOU to have the HOPE that we have. Do you know that if you died today, that you would be in Heaven? WE DO. Life on earth can be great, but it can also be really tough and mean sometimes.
I was thinking about of a friend who got married last weekend. She and her new hubby are basking in the sun somewhere tropical right now. Do you know that feeling when your on vacation and you say to whomever your with, "lets just stay here and not go home." It feels so awesome to just relax and take in all the beauty that God has created. That is how I picture Heaven someday. It's going to be perfect, beautiful and amazing. I want you to have that hope too! THIS WORLD IS NOT ALL THERE IS!! This world is beautiful, but Heaven is going to be so much better.
So how do I get there you ask? Well, it's really very simple. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. And Romans 3:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. All you really need to do is recognize that you are a sinner, (we all are) ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins (that's why He died on the cross) and then ask Him to take control of your life. If you want to talk more about this, please call me.
I have been on vacation and thought, "I wish my whole family could be here to enjoy this, this place is so beautiful, I wish they could all be here to share this with me." I wish that for YOU today. I hope to see you in Paradise someday.
In Him,
Chesterton Tornado Clean Up
|As most of you know, on Wednesday, August 19th, at 7:35 pm Chesterton, Indiana was hit with an Ef2 tornado. While there were watches posted, there was no advance warning of the storm because there was a hardware failure on the sirens. The Chesterton Middle School roof was damaged as well as the Duneland Resale Shop. Several other businesses and homes have been damaged as well.
The devastation is hard to believe, but what's more incredible is that fact that no one was seriously hurt when you look at these pictures. The tornado was Wednesday night, but it was Friday before we found out about the first family that we have been blessed to help. This family moved here two years ago from California. They moved into this home last year. There are well over 50 trees down on the property of four acres. These pictures don't do the devastation justice. The family has been overwhelmed with the generosity of those in our small town. There were several volunteers from the community on Saturday and over 20 on Sunday from the community and local churches.
Popolano's restaurant in Chesterton was kind enough to donate lunch for the volunteers who showed up on Sunday. We want to thank them for their generosity.
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Just Neighbors Helping Neighbors
|While this is not one of our traditional NeighborLink projects, it is the epitome of what NeighborLink is all about. Neighbors helping neighbors. On Saturday, August 15th, a group of us headed over to help a family from our church. They are in the middle of a re-model and it's crunch time as the home they are currently living in has recently sold. We had a great day. Lots of hard work, laughing and lunch! We really wished we could have finished the siding, but there is some work to be done yet.
You can see the rest of the pictures on our Flickr page at the top of the blog on the left.
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Go Day 8-1-09
Labels: Go Day |We had a great morning painting the house for our recipient on Saturday, August 1st. We got a lot done and had a couple of more volunteers join us. We were focusing on the front of the house. There is still much work to be done, but he is so grateful that work has begun. This will be the focus of our next few Go Days. We hope you can join us on an upcoming Saturday.In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Alternative Spring Break Saturday
|NeighborLink had an awesome day on Saturday when a group of college kids came down from Kalamazoo to serve a neighbor in need. They came down to help paint this house for a gentleman who is in code violation in Valparaiso. Let me explain a code violation. Each town has standards that home owners must abide by. When your home isn't up to "code," the town will send you a notice that you must make the necessary repairs. If you do not, they can then begin to fine you until the work is done. As a worse case scenario, the amount of fines could be so much that they then place a lien on your home. We had the privilege of helping this gentleman out.This is Allison, she and some of her friends from the Learning Center in Chesterton came down to help as well.
Larry is teaching the boys a thing or two about painting. There are quite a few other pictures of just how much fun our kids had painting here at Flickr page.
This is part of the finished product and all of the dedicated volunteers we had to help us get this project off the ground. As you can see, there is much work to be done. We will again be painting this Saturday August 1st if you would like to come out and serve for a few hours.
Thanks to the Kalamazoo Crew for all of their hard work!
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Great NeighborLink Project and Volunteers
|On June 13th, a group of helping hands answered a call for help that was posted to the NeighborLink Porter County website. They gathered in Wheeler to help a family in need. A wheelchair ramp to the back of their home was constructed too steep. So caring carpenters tore it out and built a better more useful ramp. Under the leadership of George Rieger, the Missions Committee of Ogden Dunes Community Church, organized the project and on a drizzly and cloudy Saturday morning, no less than 10 ODCC people descended on Wheeler to hammer out their faith and help out this needy family. Afterwards the team gathered at Quiznos for a celebration lunch. After a few blisters, bumps and bruises, the project was complete. Come join us for our next project!
Join Us For Our Next Go Day
|We will be having our next Go Day on Saturday, July 11th. We will be meeting in the cafe at Liberty Bible Church at 8:00am for a short time of fellowship and prayer and then we will head out for a few hours of service. I know for a fact that we will be painting a house for a gentleman who has received a notice from the City Of Valparaiso that his house is in code violation and needs to be repainted or they will start fining him. We had a wonderful group of youth group kids from Liberty Bible Church that went and scraped his house for him in just a few short hours. This man was so grateful. And I know he will be that much happier if we can also get it painted for him! Please let us know if you can help!
Also, we found out about a family in Portage who have been living without indoor plumbing since Christmas when the pipes in their mobile home burst. If you have any plumbing experience or know someone who does, we really want to help this family out.
Since NeighborLink started in October of last year, we have completed over 45 projects! We are so grateful for those of you who have literally been the hands and feet of Christ and who are reaching out to your neighbors! This organization could not exist without you! So thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
In Him,
Larry & Judy
New Website and Logo
|We just wanted to let you know, that we have been working on updating some functions and content on the website and you can now view the changes here. We are very excited about the look of the website and our new Logo. The functions that you are used to have remained, but the look is different. We want to thank our web guy, Bill over at Midwest Web Works for a job well done. Bill is always great to work with and does a great job! We would love to know what you think of the new design.
We are humbled and grateful to our wonderful volunteers who have completed over 40 projects since our launch of NeighborLink in October. None of this would be possible without you. We hope that you will be inspired to get out and serve some of your neighbors this summer. It is a very rewarding job!
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
"Go Day" With The InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Students At VU
|I wanted to share a little about my experience with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students at Valparaiso University.
I met Colleen, and then Chris, (IVCF leaders) several months ago through a mutual contact who thought we might be good partners in community service. At that meeting we agreed to set up a service day in the spring where NLPC and IVCF collaborated to serve the needs of the community. As promised, Colleen contacted me about a month ago and we discussed what the project would look like. With the help of the Valpo City Parks Department we decided to clean up several of the parks.
The Friday before last, I attended the IVCF worship service at the University. Not exactly sure of where I was going (and a few minutes late) I entered the building to the sounds of worship. The hall was filled with the sounds of singing, worshiping, Christ seeking students. I entered the room to 30 some students, lead by a worship team, singing the praises of our Lord and Savior. I was amazed, impressed, humbled and grateful!
It may seem that I am over stating the “student” aspect of this story. I say “students” because I feel they are virtually adults and certainly not children. Although not entirely independent, college students are as close to adulthood as you can get. In just a few short years these guys and gals will be what society sees as “adults”. And what I see (right now) as well equipped to take on the world as followers of Jesus Christ. As a “student”, I was not involved with the Lord. (Actually, as an “adult” I was not involved with the Lord.) As a “student” (and Adult) my Friday nights consisted of as many beers as I could drink and whatever ignorance came along with that. These students, although not entirely independent, have choices and they chose to worship the Lord on a Friday night and they chose to serve the Lord on a Saturday afternoon. In many ways, light years ahead of myself, as a “student”. They displayed, in my opinion, all the attributes of an adult.
Our “Go Day” was Saturday, April 4th. We met outside the student union on the VU campus. After I briefed the volunteers on the day, Chris led us in a word of prayer. We joined hands, bowed our heads as Chris gave thanks to the Lord above. My 9 year old son Jacob joined us (a very proud moment for me), he fit in just like a “student” and held the hand of the person next to him, without hesitation. We were standing in front of the union, in public, holding hands, heads bowed, praying to God. No worries or cares for what the onlookers thought, all eyes were on Jesus as we prepared our hearts for the service day. We moved out to the first park and cleaned it up in about an hour and a half. As I was leaving, I tore the front bumper off of my car. It was completely unexpected and really nobody’s fault. It was just a fluke that the parking bumper caught the underneath of my bumper and removed it as I backed up. Shocked, and not sure how to respond, the Lord stepped in and took over my emotions so that I would not respond in a way that was displeasing to Him. I might have potential to do that. One of the “students" offered to take my bumper with him to the next location. Perfect, since it would not fit in my car. Then we moved on to the next location to clean up. Once we arrived, everybody was standing in front of my car and one of the girls said, ‘how did you react like that, I could not have done that, you stayed so calm’. I think, I said, “stuff happens.” I should have said…by the power and grace of God. Several said they were sorry it happened. I was humbled and grateful. We went on to clean up the park. Afterwards, again, we joined hands, bowed our heads while Chris brought it all home with powerful words of thanks. Sarah, my 10 year old, and Jacob joined us. I was smiling from ear to ear.
So, I ended the day full of love, peace and the Holy Spirit.
As I reflect on yesterday and the past few months, I write this note feeling a sense of understanding and appreciation of our Father in heaven. He taught me a lot through my involvement with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students and leaders. The whole experience was filled with lessons and learning’s. I know that He lined it up that way for me. I often felt inadequate for my actions and behaviors in my life prior to becoming a follower of Christ, and even times now as a believer. But the difference is, now I know, no matter what, Jesus loves me, supports me and teaches me.
He showed me that standing outside, holding hands and praying is okay. He showed me that worshiping and singing on a Friday night is okay. He showed me that His love is everywhere, always; in the young and old, at the park, at the union, on Friday, and on Saturday. He showed me how to not blow my top, when I am quite capable. He showed me the power of, ‘when two or more gather in My name.’ Mostly, He showed me that “students” can teach “adults” a lot.
I don’t consider myself a man, my Dad was a man. He had strong character and good moral values. I don’t recall a time when he displayed anything less than good behavior. Although maybe not through discussion, God had a strong hold on my Dad’s life, I see it now.
Today, I feel more like a man.
To Colleen, Chris and the whole crew at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, I send my sincere gratitude and appreciation for yesterday, last Friday and the past few months. Through God you have truly shown me a lot.
Larry Alders,
NeighborLink Porter County
|These words were shared on our blog and I wanted to share them with all of you. I thought they were very inspirational.
What a wonderful way to show the love of God to others in need! I believe that God calls us as Christians to be His hands and feet but we get so caught up in our own lives that we fail to make ourselves available to be used by Him. How sad on our part!
Only God knows the impact that your group has on the lives that they touch through serving Christ... and how many might come to a saving knowledge of our Lord through these acts of kindness! You will be able to reach many that may never enter the doors of a church and will be the only Jesus that they may ever see! What a priviledge that is... but a high calling, as well, so that we might live our lives daily in ways that honor and glorify our Lord!
I will be praying for your organization as it meets the needs of those in your community that trust you enough to reach out for the willing help that you offer them... along with the love of Christ that you spread while doing these services!! I think the fact that you have opportunities that anyone can do, regardless of their skill level or physical ability, is really cool. As a disabled person it is often frustrating that there is so much I want to do to serve the Lord but struggle because of my physical limitations! We can all be ambassadors for Christ, if we only take the time to make ourselves available and willing to serve Him!
Would love to hear how you got this organization going in case God does a mighty work and causes those who love and serve Him in our area to come together in a similar way to show His love in our little corner of the world where there is much work to be done ... not only with needed projects but in spiritual areas as well! May God continue to bless and keep all of you who are a part of such a mighty work of God! In His love, Brenda Watson
Thank you so much for your kind words Brenda!
In Him,
Larry & Judy
A Very Special Spring Break
|This is what NeighborLink is all about. I love this story. My cousin Kendra and her husband Kevin along with their three kids were on this trip. They are from Lifepoint Community Church in Findlay, Ohio. Kevin is the Pastor there. My nephew Cody is the one being interviewed on the ladder in the video.
Students On Spring Break Repair Homes
In Him,
Larry & Judy
Did You Know?
Labels: Training |Did you know that when you register at NeighborLinkpc.org, you can set it up to notify you when new projects are posted that fit your skill level? Let's say that you would be able to help someone with transportation or electrical work, when a project gets posted with that criteria, the website will send you an email to let you know that there is a new project. This keeps you from having to visit the site everyday. All you have to do is go to Email Notifications and click on the projects that you would like to be notified about.
Did you also know that, in order to even take someone to the Dr., you must be a Coach? This is to help protect our clients privacy. In order to become a coach, we just need to conduct a brief interview to find out a little about you and why you would like to serve. So, if there is something on the website that you would like to do, but it says Coach Needed, just contact me and I will be happy to help you get started. It's really very simple. You don't have to commit to large amounts of time or energy to be a Coach, you just have to be a willing volunteer. You choose the time and type of project you would like to be involved in. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at 617-2077.
In Him,
Larry & Judy
A Grateful Heart
Labels: Thankfulness |My heart is filled with gratitude today! Yesterday, I was praying desperately for the needs of those on our website to be met and today I find out that at least eight, yes eight, projects are now in the planning stages thanks to two of our local churches. We want to thank those who are stepping forward from Ogden Dunes Community Church and Duneland Community Church. We serve a mighty God, who through these people is meeting the needs in our community. I hope you are enjoying the warm weather and that it will inspire you to get out and serve as well!
In Him,
Larry & Judy
NeighborLink Is Expanding!
Labels: Go Day |There are some great things happening with NeighborLink and one of them is that there is now a NeighborLink St. Louis! And there is another group in Auburn, Indiana that is giving serious thought to starting a NeighborLink there! Can you imagine the possibility of NeighborLinks popping up all over the country. Just think of how many people could be impacted by their neighbors showing them the Love of Christ and being the hands and feet of Christ! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!
In addition to our Go Day on Saturday, April 4th, NeighborLink Fort Wayne is trying to organize a Service Project Day. This is really the same as a Go Day, but we would like to have all four of our sister organizations out serving in the name of Christ that day. The date they have scheduled for this is Saturday, April 18th, which just happens to be Earth Day. We are trying to plan some projects with the local street departments. If for some reason you can't join us on April 4th, then maybe you can join us on the 18th.
Don't ever feel like you have to wait for Service Days to serve. Anytime it fits your schedule, you are welcome to go and select a project from the list and complete it. There are many projects listed and none of them can be completed without your involvement.
I am praying that the Spirit will move you to serve!
In Him,
Larry and Judy Alders
Saturday, April 4th Go Day
Labels: Go Day |We hope you can join us for our next Go Day. There are a lot of projects on the site that need some skilled and unskilled labor. Please consider how you might be able to serve those in our community that day. We can't complete these projects without you. We will be meeting at Liberty Bible Church at 8:30 am. We will meet in the Cafe at entrance A.
If you are a Coach, feel free to grab a project off the site. If you are a volunteer, watch for those projects that say "Accepting Volunteers" and then log in to volunteer on that project.
We look forward to working with you!
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Great Training!
Labels: Training |Wow, we had an awesome morning of training last Saturday, thank you to all who came out to find out more about NeighborLink and about becoming a Coach. Without Coaches and volunteers, our organization would be obsolete.
The website is really starting to fill up with projects and we hope you will take some time to check the projects out. The needs of the less fortunate can only be met if we use the skills that God has given us to reach out and help someone in need. I received a call from Rose today who was asking for help to fix her leaking roof. There is water coming in the bathroom exhaust fan. She has placed a bucket down with plastic all around it until someone can come to her aid. She lives in a mobile/modular home in Portage. Are you that person?
And finally, there were quite a few people who called at the last minute who couldn't make our coaches training. I have set up a time to meet again if you missed the training. It will be on February 18th at Liberty Bible Church in the Fireside room at 11:00 a.m. If you would like to join us, please let me know. We would be happy to have you!
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
|Hi Folks,
Just a reminder that our NeighborLink Coaches Training is tomorrow from 9:00-11:00 am at the Westchester Public Library Service Center. Come and find out what NeighborLink is all about! We hope you can make it.
Please R.S.V.P. to Judy at 617-2077
In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders
Last Minute Moving Project Changed...
|It was a little rough finding volunteers for a last minute moving project, so we are going to attempt to do it next Saturday, February 7th at 1:00pm. This will be after our Coaches training. If you are available, we need just a couple of people to help a lady move from Valparaiso to Portage. She doesn't have a lot of stuff and it should take just a couple of hours. Please let us know if you can help or sign up at NeighborLink.
In Him,
Larry & Judy
Last Minute Moving Project
|Greetings! We are in need of someone to help a lady move this weekend from Valparaiso to Portage. She lives in a small apartment and just needs some help with the big stuff. She doesn't even have a couch. We only anticipate this project taking a few hours on Saturday, January 31st at 9:00am. Please let us know if you can help or sign up as a volunteer at neighborlinkpc.org.
In Him,
Larry & Judy
Save The Date!
|Do you have questions about what NeighborLink is all about? Would you like to find out how you can get more involved? Would you like to be a Coach with NeighborLink but don't know what it involves? Then join us on Saturday February 7th at 9:00 am for some training! We will be meeting at the Westchester Library Service Center. It is located right next to the Westchester Library in Chesterton. We will even supply the donuts and coffee! Come for a couple of hours and let us help answer some of your questions. Please RSVP so we know that you will be joining us and be sure to bring a friend! Come and learn how to impact your community for Christ!
In Him,
Larry & Judy