I wanted to share a little about my experience with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students at Valparaiso University.
I met Colleen, and then Chris, (IVCF leaders) several months ago through a mutual contact who thought we might be good partners in community service. At that meeting we agreed to set up a service day in the spring where NLPC and IVCF collaborated to serve the needs of the community. As promised, Colleen contacted me about a month ago and we discussed what the project would look like. With the help of the Valpo City Parks Department we decided to clean up several of the parks.
The Friday before last, I attended the IVCF worship service at the University. Not exactly sure of where I was going (and a few minutes late) I entered the building to the sounds of worship. The hall was filled with the sounds of singing, worshiping, Christ seeking students. I entered the room to 30 some students, lead by a worship team, singing the praises of our Lord and Savior. I was amazed, impressed, humbled and grateful!
It may seem that I am over stating the “student” aspect of this story. I say “students” because I feel they are virtually adults and certainly not children. Although not entirely independent, college students are as close to adulthood as you can get. In just a few short years these guys and gals will be what society sees as “adults”. And what I see (right now) as well equipped to take on the world as followers of Jesus Christ. As a “student”, I was not involved with the Lord. (Actually, as an “adult” I was not involved with the Lord.) As a “student” (and Adult) my Friday nights consisted of as many beers as I could drink and whatever ignorance came along with that. These students, although not entirely independent, have choices and they chose to worship the Lord on a Friday night and they chose to serve the Lord on a Saturday afternoon. In many ways, light years ahead of myself, as a “student”. They displayed, in my opinion, all the attributes of an adult.
Our “Go Day” was Saturday, April 4th. We met outside the student union on the VU campus. After I briefed the volunteers on the day, Chris led us in a word of prayer. We joined hands, bowed our heads as Chris gave thanks to the Lord above. My 9 year old son Jacob joined us (a very proud moment for me), he fit in just like a “student” and held the hand of the person next to him, without hesitation. We were standing in front of the union, in public, holding hands, heads bowed, praying to God. No worries or cares for what the onlookers thought, all eyes were on Jesus as we prepared our hearts for the service day. We moved out to the first park and cleaned it up in about an hour and a half. As I was leaving, I tore the front bumper off of my car. It was completely unexpected and really nobody’s fault. It was just a fluke that the parking bumper caught the underneath of my bumper and removed it as I backed up. Shocked, and not sure how to respond, the Lord stepped in and took over my emotions so that I would not respond in a way that was displeasing to Him. I might have potential to do that. One of the “students" offered to take my bumper with him to the next location. Perfect, since it would not fit in my car. Then we moved on to the next location to clean up. Once we arrived, everybody was standing in front of my car and one of the girls said, ‘how did you react like that, I could not have done that, you stayed so calm’. I think, I said, “stuff happens.” I should have said…by the power and grace of God. Several said they were sorry it happened. I was humbled and grateful. We went on to clean up the park. Afterwards, again, we joined hands, bowed our heads while Chris brought it all home with powerful words of thanks. Sarah, my 10 year old, and Jacob joined us. I was smiling from ear to ear.
So, I ended the day full of love, peace and the Holy Spirit.
As I reflect on yesterday and the past few months, I write this note feeling a sense of understanding and appreciation of our Father in heaven. He taught me a lot through my involvement with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students and leaders. The whole experience was filled with lessons and learning’s. I know that He lined it up that way for me. I often felt inadequate for my actions and behaviors in my life prior to becoming a follower of Christ, and even times now as a believer. But the difference is, now I know, no matter what, Jesus loves me, supports me and teaches me.
He showed me that standing outside, holding hands and praying is okay. He showed me that worshiping and singing on a Friday night is okay. He showed me that His love is everywhere, always; in the young and old, at the park, at the union, on Friday, and on Saturday. He showed me how to not blow my top, when I am quite capable. He showed me the power of, ‘when two or more gather in My name.’ Mostly, He showed me that “students” can teach “adults” a lot.
I don’t consider myself a man, my Dad was a man. He had strong character and good moral values. I don’t recall a time when he displayed anything less than good behavior. Although maybe not through discussion, God had a strong hold on my Dad’s life, I see it now.
Today, I feel more like a man.
To Colleen, Chris and the whole crew at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, I send my sincere gratitude and appreciation for yesterday, last Friday and the past few months. Through God you have truly shown me a lot.
Larry Alders,
NeighborLink Porter County
"Go Day" With The InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Students At VU
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