
Chesterton Tornado Clean Up


As most of you know, on Wednesday, August 19th, at 7:35 pm Chesterton, Indiana was hit with an Ef2 tornado. While there were watches posted, there was no advance warning of the storm because there was a hardware failure on the sirens. The Chesterton Middle School roof was damaged as well as the Duneland Resale Shop. Several other businesses and homes have been damaged as well.

One of the garage's

The devastation is hard to believe, but what's more incredible is that fact that no one was seriously hurt when you look at these pictures. The tornado was Wednesday night, but it was Friday before we found out about the first family that we have been blessed to help. This family moved here two years ago from California. They moved into this home last year. There are well over 50 trees down on the property of four acres. These pictures don't do the devastation justice. The family has been overwhelmed with the generosity of those in our small town. There were several volunteers from the community on Saturday and over 20 on Sunday from the community and local churches.

This is the view from their front door.

Popolano's restaurant in Chesterton was kind enough to donate lunch for the volunteers who showed up on Sunday. We want to thank them for their generosity.

Their swimming pool

The garage attached to the house

This is just one family in Chesterton. We know that there are dozens more that will need help in the coming weeks and months. We hope that you will take this opportunity to reach out and help a neighbor in need. Please keep in mind, that if you know of someone who needs help, they can post their project on our NeighborLink Porter County website. If they don't have the Internet, they can call me and I will post the project for them. We will do our very best to help them.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders

1 Comentário:

Kendra Lee said...

Wow - Unbelievable!!! Chesterton is blessed to have you - we are praying for you as you show Jesus through your action!!


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