
Amazing Volunteers!


This job never ceases to amaze me! It has been a fun summer of helping people get things done! On July 10th, 21 people including kids, descended upon a small garage in Valparaiso. I received a call from the Code Enforcer (I would not want his job) that there was a family in need. They were facing hefty fines if the necessary repairs were not completed by early July. Thankfully, there was a donation made to cover the cost of the repairs and the garage is now complete!

Yours truly, on the roof!

Where was this awesome guy last summer when we painted a house?

This is one project among many that are still on the website. Currently, there are 13 projects posted, 13 completed and 15 expired. However, the expired projects can still be completed and accessed after you log into the website. We would love it if you and a friend, you and a youth group, you and your men's group, you and your church or you and your family could get on the site and see if there is a project that could be completed by you! None of this is possible without your help! Are you nervous or unsure about how to go about helping someone in need, then please call me (219-617-2077) and I will walk you through the process, it's really easy and rewarding! I am so proud of this organization and the volunteers who serve!

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders



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