
Introducing Our New & Improved Website!


The NeighborLink Network has been working hard for the past several months redeveloping the entire NeighborLink website in order to improve the overall experience of our members.

This is the first major transformation to the NeighborLink website since the website was first launched in 2008. For the past 2 years, the old website has served us well in connecting hundreds of people each year to serve and be blessed by one another.
Here are just a few of the new and improved features:

  • Easier Project Posting for First-time Users
  • Improved Project Posting Navigation
  • The Ability to Select and Deselect Projects As a Coach
  • More Project Types & Recipient Status Options
  • Coaches Can Invite Volunteers From The Website to Join Their Project
  • Churches & Groups Can Organize Service Events
  • You Can Leave Comments or Ask Questions About Specific Projects
  • You Can Now Join Communities That Allow you to Connect With Others On The Site

I encourage you to visit the new website, login using your existing profile information and follow the steps outlined.

We need you to update your profile information in order for the website to work most effectively. Your ability to use the website to it's fullest potential will be dictated by how much information you provide.

There are going to be some bugs to work out and some things that may not work. If you come across any of these, please email us using the Contact Us page on the website.

We hope you like it!

Judy Alders
NeighborLink Porter County
Practical Neighbor-To-Neighbor Expressions of God's Love


Miracles Do Happen, Even Today!


If you have ever doubted that God is still performing miracles today, then come work with me for a day! He performed a miracle yesterday and I had a front row seat! Let me explain...

On Monday night at about 8:00pm I received a call from one of our partnering agencies. They told me that they had been working with a single mom with four kids and that she had done everything they had asked of her, including getting a job at a fast food restaurant in order to help support her family in these difficult financial times. Well, on Monday night her car's transmission went out and they had to tow the car to a safer location. They wanted to know if there was anything NLPC could do. I immediately posted something on our NeighborLink Facebook Page.

The next morning I went to a Duneland Chamber Meeting and spoke about this woman and her children. I was directed to go across the street to Tire Experts and ask them if they would be willing to look at the car and tell us what was wrong with it. They were happy to help out, and were so friendly and accommodating! The car was in Valparaiso so I needed to get it up here to Chesterton some how. I drove straight to Joe's Towing Inc. and they volunteered with cheerful hearts to go and bring the car to Chesterton. Wow! Things were coming together nicely. I was praying throughout the day that the problem would be an easy fix.

I soon received a call and the news was not good. The car needed a new transmission and it was going to cost $1150.00 and that was with a discount from our friends over at Tire Experts.

I had been keeping everyone on our Facebook Page up to date on the situation. Our website is currently down because of technical issues related to launching a new website. I had requested that if anyone could contribute ANYTHING to this project, to please contact me.

To my shock and disbelief, a very generous person soon contacted me to let me know that she had a vehicle that she would be willing to donate to this single mom! I couldn't believe what I was reading and the tears began to flow. In case you don't know it, I am a very emotional person! Our GOD who supplies the birds of the air with all they need to survive was now supplying the NEEDS of this single mother! I can't tell you the emotional roller coaster I was on yesterday. But it ended on a HUGE high. I had trouble falling asleep last night because I just kept praising and thanking Jesus for his faithfulness!

I have said it before and I will say it again, " I have the best job in the whole world!" Don't get me wrong, there are difficult days. Especially the calls I receive from those who are desperate and have no where else to turn. They are out of work, they have no money, no food, no shelter, no clothes, no heat, no appliances, no shoes, and the list goes on. But yesterday makes it all worth while.

If you would like to get more involved with NeighborLink and make a difference in someones life right here in Porter County then I invite you to visit our website, or call me to see where you might fit in. I can promise you, you won't be disappointed!

Thank you to all of people who helped us out yesterday!

In Him,
Judy Alders


New Website!


There are some great changes coming to our NeighborLink Porter County website. We anticipate that the change will happen mid-week. With that said, it has been my experience that things sometimes don't always go as planned, but we wanted to give you all a heads up. If you experience problems or have questions, please feel free to call me.

The new site is designed to be more socially friendly, meaning that you will be given the opportunity to connect with others who share like experiences with you or like skill levels. This is one reason we are asking that when the new site launches, that you take a minute to re-register on the website. You WILL be able to use your current username and password. However, it is nearly impossible to transfer all of the data and this will allow us to be sure that the data we have is current.

The new site is a work in progress and new changes will be added in the coming months. Again, if you have questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me. We hope to have a video up soon that can walk you through the website.

One other thing we wanted to make you aware of. We are doing a fundraiser to help support the financial needs of NeighborLink. Our board members have been hard at work building Corn Hole Sets to sell just in time for the Holidays. The price per set is $100 for any three colors and $125 for two colors and the logo of your choice. Here is some of their handywork.

Now, I understand that this photo may not represent your team of choice. Of course I can't understand why you wouldn't want Ohio State, but you do have many other choices to choose from. For example, NFL, MLB, College teams, Christian, Entertainment and the list goes on. Just let us know what you would like on your boards and will will have them ready in time for Christmas! Watch for future information about a possible tournament as well! This is great family fun!

As always, thank you for your support of NeighborLink Porter County! None of this would be possible without your support!

In Him,
Judy Alders


Serving Our Neighbors This Month


This months project was a lot of fun to do with a lot of people and even a few new ones! A family owns this rental property in Valparaiso. There are about 4 units here that could be rented, however there is currently only one tenant. The owner had a stroke a few years ago and he has been unable to maintain the property. NeighborLink was asked to step in to see if we could offer them any assistance. We were afforded a warm day with a shower or two to keep us cool. The project took about 4 hours with some very hard workers! We are grateful to you all! Thank you for your hard work!

If you, your church or youth group would like to give back to the community, we would love the chance to be able to share with you about NeighborLink. Feel free to contact us anytime!





The Motley Crew!

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


Here Is Our Calvary Radio Network Interview


NeighborLink recently had the opportunity to do a radio interview with the Calvary Radio Network here in Northwest Indiana on 89.9. Judy Puente with the Friends and Neighbors program contacted me and wanted to know a little more about NeighborLink. It was a a lot of fun and took me a little out of my comfort zone!

If you would like to hear the interview and find out a little bit more about NeighborLink and all that it has going on, click on the arrow below. The interview is about 16 minutes long.

In Him,
Larry & Judy


Amazing Volunteers!


This job never ceases to amaze me! It has been a fun summer of helping people get things done! On July 10th, 21 people including kids, descended upon a small garage in Valparaiso. I received a call from the Code Enforcer (I would not want his job) that there was a family in need. They were facing hefty fines if the necessary repairs were not completed by early July. Thankfully, there was a donation made to cover the cost of the repairs and the garage is now complete!

Yours truly, on the roof!

Where was this awesome guy last summer when we painted a house?

This is one project among many that are still on the website. Currently, there are 13 projects posted, 13 completed and 15 expired. However, the expired projects can still be completed and accessed after you log into the website. We would love it if you and a friend, you and a youth group, you and your men's group, you and your church or you and your family could get on the site and see if there is a project that could be completed by you! None of this is possible without your help! Are you nervous or unsure about how to go about helping someone in need, then please call me (219-617-2077) and I will walk you through the process, it's really easy and rewarding! I am so proud of this organization and the volunteers who serve!

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders




It occurred to me today that NLPC has turned into the recipient while we wait to hear about grants that we have recently submitted. Normally, NeighborLink Coaches are the ones who are determining who's projects get completed on the site based on the Coaches skill level. But now NeighborLink is on the receiving end of that waiting game and I have to tell you it stinks!

I now know what it feels like to be one of those waiting for help on our site. It is so hard waiting, when there are people you want to help and things you want to accomplish, but you can't.

Those requesting help on the NeighborLink site are seniors, disabled, single moms, widowed, unemployed and a host of others. These people need you, because they aren't phyically able, they don't have the funding available or they don't have the level of skill necessary to do the work. They simply can't help themselves right now and there aren't a lot of other places they can turn.

Jesus was the one who chose to help these people. And today, you have the opportunity to be His hands and His feet. Right now there are 21 families waiting for help on the NeighborLink site. Do you have the gift of plumbing, painting, yard work, cleaning, roofing, home improvement or construction? Check out our website NeighborLink Porter County and lift a burden for a neighbor in need. If you need help or funding for a project, please contact me and we can talk more about it.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders




Just a quick post here. I was looking back over our first full year as NeighborLink Porter County again! I am AMAZED! My heart is truly touched by the wonderful people who accomplished so much last year on a budget of less than $5000. Among all of the little projects that were completed last year like grass mowing, taking people to appointments, and shoveling of snow, you also:

* Put a roof on a house for a single mom

* Put plumbing in a trailer for a family that had been without water for 6 MONTHS!

* Painted a house for a gentleman who was in code violation

* Accomplished an enormous amount of tree clean up from the Chesterton tornado

* Built at least two wheel chair ramps

* Did some major parks clean up in Valparaiso

* Completed several moving projects

* Put a brand new furnace and water heater in for a civil servant

Over 80 projects completed in our first full year! Thank you all for your AMAZING generosity! This year is looking to be equally AMAZING with all of the wonderful things you have accomplished already!

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


A New Roof And A Miracle Or Two


God never ceases to amaze me! Sometimes when we plan our Go Days, we end up with three or four people who are "maybe's" These are in addition to our board members. When we got to the project on Saturday, we had 17 people show up! "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philipians 4:19 And HE DID!

We started roofing this garage at 8:00am and finished around 6:30, but not before some end of the day fun when the keys accidentally got locked in the van. UGH! The Porter Police Department was quick to respond and while they were unsuccessful, we appreciate their timeliness after a long day. It really was an awesome day of fun, fellowship and worship!

About the time we were breaking for lunch (which was graciously provided by Little Caesar's Pizza in Chesterton) we realized that we needed some additional wood. Not just any wood, but 10, 16 foot long boards. There was one truck that could handle that wood and it was generously offered to us. Eric and I (Judy) headed to Home Depot in Valparaiso to pick it up. We returned without incident. However, a short time later, a couple of our teen age volunteers needed to get home. They were taken in the truck that we had just returned in. Just as they were getting home, the break line went out in the truck. And thankfully, they were not traveling at a high rate of speed as the house was just up the way from the work site! We are grateful that the Wright family was not injured and that God protected them! With the wood in the back of the truck on the way back to the job site from Home Depot, there was a traffic light that gave me little time to stop and I chose to go. I fear that if I had tried to hit the brakes hard at that light, traveling at a high rate of speed, the brake line could have gone then! We are so thankful for those volunteers who can't be with us physically, but are praying us through the day! There were so many rusty nails that could have been stepped on, but we were protected!

We want to thank all of the volunteers who showed up Saturday along with New Life Wesleyan Church in Chesterton for the cash donation toward the project. We also wish to thank Home Depot in Valparaiso and Gary/Hobart Roofing for the discount on materials. Without the generosity of these folks, NeighborLink Porter County would not be possible.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


What A Year!


First of all, we want to thank all of you for a wonderful first year. We thank you for getting out of your comfort zone and your cozy pews and being the hands and feet of Christ. NONE of this would be possible without you! We hear from many who say they just haven't had the time or opportunity to serve yet and we really look forward to working with you in all that God has planned for NeighborLink Porter County in 2010!

There are many stories like the one I am about to share with you, and it is incredible to be part of it all, we are very humbled. The week of Christmas, we received a call from some friends who are helping out with Neighborhood Ministry. They had taken a Christmas basket to a trailer in Portage. Upon their arrival, the family shared that they had no water, no heat and a large hole in the roof of their trailer that could see outside. Through their difficulties, they were still able to offer dessert to the family who had brought the basket! I received a call later that day, asking that these projects be posted to the NeighborLink Porter County website. I immediately obliged and then we all added this request to our Facebook pages. To our delight, we received a response within hours that there was a contractor in Illinois who would come out and take a look at the projects. On Christmas day, the contractor came out and took a look at things. Later that week, they got them water, set them up with some heaters and were looking into fixing the roof! Not only that, but they were going to supply them with a new furnace!

Again, this is just one of the many stories of how God has been working in Porter County this year. You can read more of our stories in earlier posts. Never in our wildest dreams of starting this organization did we imagine the enourmous things that God had planned. Present day miracles do happen, just keep reading!

With all of that said, there is still much work to be done. In 2009, NeighborLink volunteers completed over 80 projects! However, there were 80 projects that expired. This is where we need your help. We need you to help us spread the word about all that NeighborLink does. We need additional churches and volunteers to come on board with us to help fulfill the needs of those in our community and share the love of Christ. We need people who are passionate just like you!

We are looking forward to the coming year and working with those we have partnered with this past year. We are looking forward to Earth Day, ShareFest, Neighborhood Ministry and all of the opportunities that God presents us with this year. We hope to serve right along with you and as always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us!

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


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