
On My Heart


Our family has seen it's share of death. In the last three years, our children have lost a precious Grandma (my Mom), a beloved Uncle, a dear Grandfather (Larry's Dad) and most recently they lost a teacher. They have also seen every spectrum of dying. One died in a freak accident, one had been sick with cancer, one lived to be 88 years old and one's life was taken from them. I wonder how our little one's are dealing with all of this grief. It has been hard for me as an adult, so I can't imagine what must be going through our precious children' s minds.

For me, I can manage it all because my hope is not in this world, my hope is in Jesus Christ. I know that this fallen world is not all there is. Lately, we have had to continually remind the kids of this, but you just don't know how much they can grasp at each of their ages. This is part of why we started NeighborLink. We want to share with others who don't know Jesus personally. We choose to do that by being the hands and feet of Christ in the community. We want to be missionaries in our own back yards. We want YOU to have the HOPE that we have. Do you know that if you died today, that you would be in Heaven? WE DO. Life on earth can be great, but it can also be really tough and mean sometimes.

I was thinking about of a friend who got married last weekend. She and her new hubby are basking in the sun somewhere tropical right now. Do you know that feeling when your on vacation and you say to whomever your with, "lets just stay here and not go home." It feels so awesome to just relax and take in all the beauty that God has created. That is how I picture Heaven someday. It's going to be perfect, beautiful and amazing. I want you to have that hope too! THIS WORLD IS NOT ALL THERE IS!! This world is beautiful, but Heaven is going to be so much better.

So how do I get there you ask? Well, it's really very simple. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. And Romans 3:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. All you really need to do is recognize that you are a sinner, (we all are) ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins (that's why He died on the cross) and then ask Him to take control of your life. If you want to talk more about this, please call me.

I have been on vacation and thought, "I wish my whole family could be here to enjoy this, this place is so beautiful, I wish they could all be here to share this with me." I wish that for YOU today. I hope to see you in Paradise someday.

In Him,


Chesterton Tornado Clean Up


As most of you know, on Wednesday, August 19th, at 7:35 pm Chesterton, Indiana was hit with an Ef2 tornado. While there were watches posted, there was no advance warning of the storm because there was a hardware failure on the sirens. The Chesterton Middle School roof was damaged as well as the Duneland Resale Shop. Several other businesses and homes have been damaged as well.

One of the garage's

The devastation is hard to believe, but what's more incredible is that fact that no one was seriously hurt when you look at these pictures. The tornado was Wednesday night, but it was Friday before we found out about the first family that we have been blessed to help. This family moved here two years ago from California. They moved into this home last year. There are well over 50 trees down on the property of four acres. These pictures don't do the devastation justice. The family has been overwhelmed with the generosity of those in our small town. There were several volunteers from the community on Saturday and over 20 on Sunday from the community and local churches.

This is the view from their front door.

Popolano's restaurant in Chesterton was kind enough to donate lunch for the volunteers who showed up on Sunday. We want to thank them for their generosity.

Their swimming pool

The garage attached to the house

This is just one family in Chesterton. We know that there are dozens more that will need help in the coming weeks and months. We hope that you will take this opportunity to reach out and help a neighbor in need. Please keep in mind, that if you know of someone who needs help, they can post their project on our NeighborLink Porter County website. If they don't have the Internet, they can call me and I will post the project for them. We will do our very best to help them.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


Just Neighbors Helping Neighbors


While this is not one of our traditional NeighborLink projects, it is the epitome of what NeighborLink is all about. Neighbors helping neighbors. On Saturday, August 15th, a group of us headed over to help a family from our church. They are in the middle of a re-model and it's crunch time as the home they are currently living in has recently sold. We had a great day. Lots of hard work, laughing and lunch! We really wished we could have finished the siding, but there is some work to be done yet.



You can see the rest of the pictures on our Flickr page at the top of the blog on the left.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


Go Day 8-1-09


We had a great morning painting the house for our recipient on Saturday, August 1st. We got a lot done and had a couple of more volunteers join us. We were focusing on the front of the house. There is still much work to be done, but he is so grateful that work has begun. This will be the focus of our next few Go Days. We hope you can join us on an upcoming Saturday.

In Him,
Larry & Judy Alders


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