
One Year Anniversary!


Dear Friends,

My purpose for writing today is one-dimensional. I need prayer!

Here's why:

Judy and I have begun our second year with NeighborLink Porter County. After years of involvement with ShareFest Porter County, God revealed our passion for service to the community and led us to NeighborLink. Last year was awesome, over 70 projects were completed by 150 volunteers and coaches. This year starts out with another great ShareFest work day (this past Saturday) behind us, where hundreds of volunteers completed dozens of projects all over Porter County (Indiana). I worked (with Jake, Andrew and Sarah) on a tornado clean-up project where 80+ trees were downed on the property. It was great to see forty some strangers (strangers to the homeowner) come together and answer God's call for service. Some of the other projects included winterizing and fix-up at several trailer parks, yard work and painting.

Dustin and Amy Kirby partnered with us to help with the administration of NLPC. We had no idea what it takes to start a non-profit organization or the legal requirements involved. Truth-be-told we still don't but it is a lot easier with them beside us. Dustin and Amy both share our passion for service and are an inspiration to Judy and I as we serve. The world is a better place because of them and their faith in God. Dustin and Amy walk the talk. Not only do they serve locally, but, they have completed several international mission trips. Most recently they went to China and handed out bibles and conducted training. Thanks to them for their leadership and vision. We need more strong leaders with their heart to serve.

This year brings a whole new set of challenges. How do we continue to serve our God and do it better than last year? Prayer.

We have been able to fund the projects through donations of money, materials and labor. One that stands out is a painting project where the paint was provided by Home Depot (Behr paints), several neighbors and the NeighborLink project budget. The painting (I estimate over 300 man-hours) was done by volunteer’s from the Liberty Bible Church's senior high group, 6 people on an "alternative" spring break from Grand Rapids, MI., NPLC volunteers and several neighbors. The house looks great and the code inspectors are happy. Also, a plumbing project was completed for a house of three adults with no running water for the previous six months. Money for the materials was provided through a generous donation and the work was completed by a laid off plumber with a heart of gold.

The mission of NLPC is "Neighbor to Neighbor Expressions of God's Love", these are just a few of the many examples of the Expression of God's Love happening through Christ in our community. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13)

We are considering a roofing project for a single Mom and her two children. Right now when it rains, water comes into the Mom's bedroom and onto her bed. Not something many of us experience in life. Dustin met with her personally the other day and her attitude was great. No matter what she knows that God will provide for her. To the non-Christian that means someone will put a roof on for her. To me it means that God will fill all her needs and care for her whether she gets a new roof or not. This would be the largest project we have taken on so far. It sounds easy, take roof off, put roof on. And for most of us it is that easy. This Mom does not want to sleep on a wet bed, she has to. Without financial or physical means it is impossible. I don't know if NLPC should do this project or not. We don't have the "means" either. God knows the needs of the Mom and her children and will provide accordingly. With salvation comes all the "means" necessary in life. All we need is our salvation and God provides the rest.

We are close to filing the paperwork necessary to establish non-profit status for NeighborLink. Judy has been working tirelessly to get this done and with the help of several gracious volunteers it is close.

Our prayer needs are:

Pray that the love of God and the gift of salvation are the vehicle by which NeighborLink operates.
Pray that God will reveal leaders, volunteers and coaches all over the county with the passion to serve him.
Pray for continued support for the needs of the community to be met with donations.
Pray that the roofing project need is met by God's means.
Pray that the volunteers and coaches and leaders of NLPC represent the body of Christ in all that they do.
Pray for the completion of the necessary paperwork to get NLPC's non-profit status established.
Thanks for your prayers!,
Larry Alders


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