
Our First Go Day!


It was a huge success! We had 16 volunteers come out on a very snowy, windy, cold day! Not only that, but three of the volunteers came from Illinois and Indianapolis. Larry and I are so grateful for the work that was completed. We had two gals take on a cleaning project for a woman in constant pain, four people finished up a project at the Chesterton Art Center that was left over from Sharefest, one person went and painted for a lady and six people went and built a wheelchair ramp for a family here in town.

We know that the people who were helped this weekend are incredibly grateful for the work that was done. Without our wonderful volunteers, these people may not have been helped. Thank you to all of those who came out to show the love of Christ to those in need!

To view additional of the pictures of this weekend, please click here.

In Him,

Larry & Judy Alders


God Of This City By Chris Tomlin


We thought this song was fitting with our first Go Day on Saturday!

In Him,
Larry & Judy


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