
Servant Evangelism


Wow! Things are really coming together at NeighborLink. Word is getting out and the needs of the less fortunate are becoming more evident everyday. It is difficult for me to watch the list of projects grow. You see, I am a "fixer." I want to wrap all of these projects up in a little box and have them done. However, that isn't realistic. It is difficult for me to wait on the Lord. One of the biggest jobs I have as the Director of NeighborLink is to pray over each and every one of these projects and trust that the needs of these people will be met in His time and not mine.

This can't be accomplished without you. Steve Sjogren, author of 101 Ways To Reach Your Community says; You may not be a gifted evangelist, but you do have the gift of servanthood. You can use this gift to reach out to the community with the love of Christ.

And I love this quote from author James Howell: Christianity must become something real, tangible, something that pervades all that we are," "It must become something we do."

Thank you to each and every one of you that have signed up at NeighborLink. We look forward to working with you.

In Him,
Larry & Judy


Our First Go Day!


Mark your calendars for December 6th. This will be our very first Go Day. What is a Go Day? Well, it's a day when several churches/volunteers are out doing projects all across Porter County. Here is how it works:

* As a volunteer, you check out the website and search for projects that say "Accepting Volunteers". Then sign up to help with that project.

* As a coach, you go and select a project that you would like to do that day.

* You call and connect with the person in need and find out exactly what the needs are. You can go out and visit the site and see what materials you are going to need to complete the project.

* Then you select that project from the website and mark it as planning/accepting volunteers. Be sure and write in the space provided how many volunteers you are going to need and what materials they could bring to help out. Then they can sign up to help you that day. Feel free to recruit your own help also.

*Then, we will meet at Liberty Bible Church at 7:30am in the Cafe for coffee and a time of prayer. Please use entrance A on the southside of the church.

*Go out and serve in the name of Christ!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us!

Larry & Judy




Greetings! We wanted to let you know that there is an article in the Post Tribune today about NeighborLink Porter County. To see it click here. We are not sure how long the article will be there, but we wanted to share it with you. Along with publicity, comes additional needs. It's not even noon yet and already three more projects have posted to the site. Can you help? Do you know someone who could help a neighbor in need? We hope that you will prayerfully consider how you can show the love of Christ to someone in need. Maybe you yourself aren't physically able to do a project. Would you be willing to pray with us that the needs of the people who are on the website would be met?

In Him,
Larry & Judy


November 8th Project


We had a lady call NeighborLink and say that she really needed some help with her leaves and her gutters. She was so very grateful. She is a widow.

Do you have just a few hours on a Saturday morning to help a neighbor in need? There are projects available.

In Him,

Larry & Judy Alders


NeighborLink Porter County Intro...


Well, it's official! We have finally launched NeighborLink Porter County and what a blessing it has been already!

Larry and I had been searching for a way to help those in our community. We weren't sure how to connect those with needs with those who could volunteer to meet the needs. We knew what we wanted to do, we just didn't know how we were going to do it. We went to our Pastor and shared our ideas with him. He knew of an organization in Fort Wayne that was doing exactly what we were describing. We met with the leaders there and they agreed to allow us to model NeighborLink Porter County after them. So on October 11th, we officially launched NeighborLink Porter County.

We have really enjoyed getting the word out and have been blessed to see projects already being completed! We are so excited to see what God has planned for NLPC.

Would you please help us spread the word? Please let your friends and family know that this new ministry exists to serve them or to allow them to serve. We would love to come and speak with your church or group about how they too can get involved with NeighborLink. Our website is In addition, we would love to have you praying for NeighborLink.

In Him,

Larry & Judy Alders


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